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- 12th Annual BCC Conference 2024 – Monetary Policy in a Changed Environment
- 11th Annual Conference 2023 – Uneven growth prospects
- 10th Annual Conference 2022 – Is inflation back, and in which form?
- 9th Annual Conference 2021 – Digital payments and currencies
- 8th Annual Conference 2020 – Climate change and disaster risk: What do they imply for emerging market central banks?
- 7th Annual Conference 2019 – Interaction of fiscal and monetary policies
- 6th Annual Conference 2018 – Coping with spillovers from policy normalization in advanced economies
- 5th Annual Conference 2017 – Macroprudential policy: Taking stock of the state of the art, and ways forward
- 4th Annual Conference 2016 – Policy responses to commodity price fluctuations
- 3rd Annual Conference 2015 – Exchange rate policy. Limits to flexibility, capital controls and reserve management
- 2nd Annual Conference 2014 – Financial sector development: Policies to promote and strengthen local capital markets
- 1st Annual Conference 2013 – Setting up the monetary policy framework: What role for financial sector considerations?
- A BVAR Model for Forecasting Ukrainian Inflation
- Inflation Expectations and Weather Shocks in Colombia
- How do foreign and local investors in the forward market affect the exchange rate in Colombia?
- Continuous Learning and Skills Acquisition
- Sparse warcasting
- Effects of Banking Sector Cleanup on Lending Conditions in Ukraine
- Managing External Shocks in Commodity-Exporting Economies: Insights from Mongolia
- Is inflation back, and in which form?
- Challenges of conducting research at central banks
- Digital currencies impact on domestic and international payments
- Role of the Media in the Inflation Expectation Formation Process
- Rising Inflation in the Post-COVID 19 Era: The Role of Expectations
- Should central banks welcome digital currencies?
- Evaluating Growth-at-Risk as a tool for monitoring macro-financial risks in the Peruvian economy
- Estimating real exchange rate misalignment
- Handle with Care: Regulatory Easing in Times of Covid-19
- Non-US global banks and dollar (co-)dependence how housing markets became internationally synchronized
- A fistful of dollars: Transmission of global funding shocks to emerging markets
- How does climate change impact the financial stability policy of the Central Bank of Tunisia?
- Capital Markets, COVID-19 and Policy Measures
- Successful negotiation is about discussion aimed at reaching an agreement
- How is Your Organization Doing with the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Business continuity planning in the COVID-19 era, reflections
- Should monetary policy take account of climate consideration?
- Quantitative easing, small firms, credit access and the real economy: Who benefits the most?
- Towards a framework for supervising and measuring climate-related financial stability risks in Colombia
- How effective are foreign exchange interventions under inflation targeting?
- The role of banks in the development of new businesses in emerging economies
- A tale of two shocks: financial stress and sovereign default risk during the Covid19 crisis
- Exceptional measures for exceptional times
- Wage Growth and Inflation in Europe: A Puzzle?
- The economic impact of the Covid19 on emerging economies: what do we know, and what are the challenges?
- Interacting with International Financial Institutions: Insights from the BBC course
- Should disaster risk and climate change be introduced in macroprudential regulation and supervision?
- Spillovers of foreign monetary policy on the foreign indebtedness of Colombian banks and corporations
- Fiscal backing for monetary
- The size of fiscal multipliers and the stance of monetary policy in developing economies
- BCC Technical Workshop on Financial Stability Framework and the Role of Central Banks
- Merchant’s Card Acceptance: An extension of the Tourist Test for Developing Countries
- How to improve inflation forecasts: a Bayesian VAR approach for Albania
- Do Factor Augmented VAR models always improve forecasts? The case of Azerbaijan
- Shockwaves from Ukraine: Trends and Gaps in Agricultural Commodity Prices
- Forecasting Banking System Liquidity Using Payment System Data in Uzbekistan
- Monetary policy and real estate asset prices in Morocco
- Measuring Natural Rate of Interest in Uzbekistan
- Nowcasting Peru’s GDP with Machine Learning Methods
- The Effects of Business Credit Support Programs: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
- The impact of climate, socio-political and COVID-19 shocks on Tunisia’s potential growth
- Is Foreign Exchange Intervention through derivative instruments effective? An analysis of the Peruvian case
- Distress prediction and stress testing of non-financial firms: case of Mongolia
- Robust Assessment of External Vulnerabilities in an Emerging Market During Stress Scenarios
- Interest Rate Pass-through under a Currency Board Regime: Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Market Distance and Household Income: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Mongolia
- Firm Support Measures, Credit Payment Behavior, and Credit Risk
- Impact of interoperability regulation on the use of digital payments in Peru
- Impact of the central bank’s communication on macro financial outcomes
- Measuring the link between cyclical systemic risk and capital adequacy for Ukrainian banking sector
- Sparse Warcasting
- Corporate credit growth determinants in Ukraine: bank lending survey data application
- Assessing the macroeconomic impact of weather shocks in Colombia
- The Role of Foreign Investors and Local Agents in the Derivatives Market and their Impact on the Exchange Rate in Colombia: A Wavelet Analysis
- FX intervention and domestic credit in a partially dollarized economy: Evidence using microdata from Peru
- The Impact of the Basel III banking regulation on Moroccan banks
- Credibility and Bias: The Case for Implementing Both a Debt Anchor and a Balanced Budget Rule
- Effects of Banking Sector Cleanup on Lending Conditions: Evidence from Ukraine
- An Estimated Model of a Commodity-Exporting Economy for the Integrated Policy Framework: Evidence from Mongolia
- Estimating the Output Gap After COVID: An Application to Colombia
- Effects of caps on interest rates in Peru
- Measuring Uncertainty and its effects in a Small Open Economy
- Pandemic-induced increases in container freight rates: Assessing their domestic effects in a globalized world
- House Price Bubble Detection in Ukraine
- Using National Payment System Data to Nowcast Economic Activity in Azerbaijan
- Estimating the natural rate of unemployment for Ukraine
- Unravelling the Narratives Behind Macroeconomic Forecasts
- Weather Shocks and Inflation Expectations in Semi-Structural Models
- A Mixed Duopoly in Interbank Payment Services
- Interest Rate Caps in an Economy with Formal and Informal Credit Markets
- A Counterfactual Analysis of the Effects of Climate Change on the Natural Interest Rate
- Nowcasting Bosnia and Herzegovina GDP in Real Time
- Nowcasting real GDP in Tunisia using large datasets and mixed-frequency models
- Liquidity Risk and Interdependence in Payment Systems: The Case of Peru
- Weather Shocks and Agricultural Production: Evidence on Perennial and Non-perennial Crops in Colombia
- Role of the Media in the Inflation Expectation Formation Process
- Nowcasting in Tunisia using large datasets and mixed frequency models
- Unconventional Credit Policy in an Economy under Zero Lower Bound
- The Growth-at-Risk (GaR) Framework: Implication For Ukraine
- Fiscal Shocks and International Production Networks: An Empirical Investigation
- Evaluating Growth-at-Risk as a tool for monitoring macro-financial risks in the Peruvian economy
- Characteristics of the Tunisian Business Cycle and its International Synchronization
- The relationship between non-performing loans, banking system stability and economic activity: The case of Tunisia
- A BVAR Model for Forecasting Ukrainian Inflation
- Empirical estimation of REER trend for Ukraine
- The misalignment of real effective exchange rate: Evidence from Tunisia
- Does Leverage Predict Delinquency in Consumer Lending? Evidence from Peru
- Modeling Azerbaijan’s Inflation and Output Using a Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Model
- Forecasting inflation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- An estimated DSGE model with financial accelerator: The case of Tunisia
- The impact of real economic activity on the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission: The case of Tunisia
- Credit-to-GDP gap: Local versus foreign currency credit
- A New Financial Stress Index for Ukraine
- Uncovered interest parity with foreign exchange interventions under exchange rate peg and inflation targeting: The case of Ukraine
- A Macro-Model to Monetary Transmission Analysis in Tunisia
- Assessment of interest rate and credit transmission channels in a context of banking heterogeneity
- Merchant’s Card Acceptance: An extension of the Tourist Test for Developing Countries
- Spillover Effects of Foreign Monetary Policy on the Foreign Indebtedness of Banks and Corporations
- Forecasting the Albanian Short-term inflation through a Bayesian VAR model
- Structural Budget Balances in Oil-Rich Countries: The Cases of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Russia
- Fiscal Shocks and International Production Networks: An Empirical Investigation
- The Determinants of Excess Liquidity in the Banking Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Volatility Spillovers and Systemic Risk Across Economies: Evidence from a Global Semi-Structural Model
- Conditional FAVAR and scenario analysis for a large data: case of Tunisia
- Forecasting Inflation in Vietnam with Univariate and Vector Autoregressive Models
- The Exchange Rate Pass-Through to CPI and its components in Oil-Exporting CIS Countries
- The Size of Fiscal Multipliers and the Stance of Monetary Policy in Developing Economies
- Exchange rate elasticity of exports and the role of institutions
- Are fiscal rules helpful in mitigating the impact of oil market fluctuations?
- Forecasting Inflation in a Macroeconomic Framework: An Application to Tunisia
- The Effect of Corporate Taxes on Investment: Evidence from the Colombian Firms
- Impact of Corporate Governance on Peruvian Banks’ Financial Strength
- Market Discipline and Liquidity Risk: Evidence from the Interbank Funds Market
- Mortgage Credit: Lending and Borrowing Constraints in a DSGE Framework
- Oil Price Pass-Through into Inflation: The Evidence from Oil Exporting Countries
- Fiscal Multipliers for Bosnia and Herzegovina
- The Role of Exchange Rate in Supporting Trade Balance in Vietnam
- Nonlinear Pass-Through of Exchange Rate Shocks on Inflation: A Bayesian Smooth Transition VAR Approach
- Exogenous Macroeconomic Shocks and Their Propagation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Estimating the Determinants of Financial Euroization in Albania
- Macro-prudential Policies, Moral Hazard and Financial Fragility
- Financial Soundness Index for the Private Corporate Sector in Colombia
- Assessing House Price Dynamics in Lima
- Modelling and Forecasting of Tunisian Current Account: Aggregate versus Disaggregate Approach
- The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Vietnam: A VAR Approach
- Is Monetary Policy Rate Effective? Recent Evidence in Ghana
- Current Account Determinants in Central Eastern European Countries
- Institutional Quality, Cyclicality of Macroeconomic Policies and the Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks: Evidence from Transition Economies
- The Macroeconomic Pass-through Effects of Monetary Policy through Sign Restrictions Approach: In the Case of Albania
- Empirical Evidence for the Bank Lending Channel in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Loan Quality Determinants: Evaluating the Contribution of Bank-specific Variables, Macroeconomic Factors and Firm Level Information
- Social Spending and Household Welfare: Evidence from Azerbaijan
- Business Cycles in Oil Exporting Countries: A Declining Role for Oil?
- Estimating the Output Gap to Support the Management of Interest Rates in Vietnam