9th Annual Conference 2021 – Digital payments and currencies

9th Annual Conference 2021 – Digital payments and currencies

DAY 1  September 22, 2021

WORKSHOP 1: Growth at risk

Diego Chicana, Rafael Nivín, Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Anastasiya Ivanova, Alona Shmygel, Ihor Lubchuk, National Bank of Ukraine

  • DISCUSSANT: Cédric Tille, BCC & the Graduate Institute, Geneva

WORKSHOP 2: Payment cards and the tourist test

Carlos A. Arango-Arango, Rocío Betancourt, Manuela Restrepo-Bernal, Central Bank of Colombia

José Aurazo, Milton Vega, Central Reserve Bank of Peru

  • DISCUSSANT: Cyril Monnet, University of Bern

DAY 2  September 23, 2021

Setting the stage: An overview of recent research

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Raphael Auer, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

POLICY PRESENTATION: Tommaso Mancini Griffoli, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

DAY 3 September 24, 2021

POLICY PANEL 1: Digital currencies impact on domestic and international payments

POLICY PANEL 2: Digital currencies impact on financial cycle, and financial stability

POLICY PANEL 3: Digital currencies impact on the transmission channel of monetary policy, and its effectiveness