Bilateral Assistance and Capacity Building for ​Central Banks

Bank of Albania

Central Bank of Colombia

Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Bank of Ukraine

Central Bank of Tunisia

Bank Al Maghrib

Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan

image for block Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan

What we do

BCC supports central banks in emerging countries to be more effective, through tailored capacity building. The BCC programme, funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by The Graduate Institute, Geneva aims to support partner central banks in emerging countries in building the analytical and technical expertise to conduct effective monetary policy, promote stable and efficient financial sector, and be more operationally sustainable. Our support is tailored to the central bank’s specific needs. BCC supports central banks in SECO priority countries and is currently working with the central banks of Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Tunisia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Our areas of support

Monetary policy analysis and implementation

Constructing different scenarios to analyse policy effects and inform monetary policy decision-making; this includes managing the money base in the country and foreign
exchange reserves held by the central bank.

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Data and statistics

Conducting surveys and compiling data to inform policy.

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Institutional research

Supporting researchers conduct high-quality research and enhancing the communication of the research to inform decision making and market awareness.

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Financial stability

Monitoring the financial sector to avert or mitigate risks (when it falls under the mandate of the central bank).

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Financial inclusion

Promoting the inclusion of individuals and businesses in the financial system.

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Payment systems

Develop the country’s payment systems.

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Environmental sustainability

Understand, anticipate, monitor and address the impact of climate change on the economic sector.

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Resilience/risk management

Ensuring the central bank’s business-continuity in case of external crises such as natural disasters, attacks, etc.

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HR & International Cooperation

Strengthening professional profiles, recruitment and promotion systems within the central bank as well as cooperation with international institutions.

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Our Latest news

To Conferences
Monetary Policy in a Changed Environment

Monetary Policy in a Changed Environment

SAVE THE DATE – BCC12th Annual Conference, in Geneva, 3-4 October 2024

To Conferences
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NBU and SECO Sign Memorandum of Cooperation under BCC Program

NBU and SECO Sign Memorandum of Cooperation under BCC Program

13 December 2023

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The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan signs Memorandum of Understanding with SECO

The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan signs Memorandum of Understanding with SECO

2 April 2024

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Our Activities

The programme supports the central banks to make better decision through better staff capacity, tools, and processes. It does so by providing capacity building support in the form of:

Technical Assistance

BCC provides partner central banks with experts to deliver a combination of theoretical courses with practical support to build sustainable capacity

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Peer to Peer

BCC provides partner central banks with experts to deliver a combination of theoretical courses with practical support to build sustainable capacity

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BCC provides partner central banks with experts to deliver a combination of theoretical courses with practical support to build sustainable capacity

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Research Support

BCC provides partner central banks with experts to deliver a combination of theoretical courses with practical support to build sustainable capacity

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The BCC Programme has supported central banks in emerging economies since 2013


BCC is currently in its Phase 3, 2023-2028.

10 BCC Countries currently being supported

Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Colombia, Mongolia, Morocco,
Peru, Tunisia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.