5th Annual Conference 2017 – Macroprudential policy: Taking stock of the state of the art, and ways forward
- Addressing risks and promoting financial stability: The case of Vietnam.
- Bui Van Hai, State Bank of Vietnam.
- Exploring leading indicators of banking crisis in the case of Albania.
- Odeta Koçillari, Bank of Albania.
- Online price setting: Facts about exchange rate pass-through.
- Erick Lahura, Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
- Relevance of the fiscal-policy setup in the analysis of macroprudential and ex-post financial crisis interventions.
- Carmiña Vargas, Central Bank of Colombia.
- The capacity utilization gap as an alternative.
- Fernando Regalado, Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
- The size of fiscal multipliers and the stance of monetary policy in developing economies.
- Jair Ojeda, Central Bank of Colombia.
WORKSHOP PANEL 1: Financial cycle and macroprudential policy
- A financial cycle for Albania.
- Arisa Goxhaj, Bank of Albania.
- Macroprudential policies in Peru: the effects of dynamics provisioning and conditional reserve requirements.
- Elias Minaya, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Evaluating the impact of macroprudential policies on credit growth in Colombia.
- Andrés Murcia, Central Bank of Colombia.
- Comments by: Eric Jondeau, University of Lausanne
WORKSHOP PANEL 2: Monetary policy impact and conduct
- Has inflation targeting anchored inflation expectations? Evidence from Peru.
- Miguel Saldarriaga, Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
- Monetary policy and the financial decisions of firms – empirical study in Vietnam.
- Tran Thi Xuan Anh, State Bank of Vietnam.
- Forecasting foreign reserves in Bosnia and Herzegovina using Box-Jenkings methodology.
- Dejan Kovačević, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Comments by: Ole Rummel, SEACEN
Richhild Moessner, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
POLICY PANEL 1: The effectiveness of macroprudential measures.
Chair: Ugo Panizza, the Graduate Institute
- Alicia Garcia Herrero, Bruegel
- Hernando Vargas, Central Bank of Colombia
- Gershon Incoom, Bank of Ghana
- Giovanni Dell’Ariccia, International Monetary Fund
- Graydon Paulin, former Bank of Canada
POLICY PANEL 2: The interaction between monetary and macroprudential policies.
Chair: Cédric Tille, BCC & the Graduate Institute
- David Aikman, Bank of England
- Erald Themeli, Bank of Albania
- Julio Velarde, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Thomas Moser, Swiss National Bank
POLICY PANEL 3: The international dimension.
Chair: Alexandre Swoboda, the Graduate Institute