10th Annual Conference 2022 – Is inflation back, and in which form?
DAY 1 September 22, 2022
POSTER session
Hager Ben Romdhane, Central Bank of Tunisia
Alan Ledesma, Carlos Montoro, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Meri Papavangjeli, Bank of Albania
Antonio Musa, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tural Yusifzada, Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
WORKSHOP 1: Monetary policy spillovers
- Spillover effects of ECB policies in a SoE framework
Bledar Hoda, bank of albania
Martha López, Norberto Rodríguez, Miguel Sarmiento, Central Bank of Colombia
Comments by: Rebecca Stuart, University of Neuchâtel
WORKSHOP 2: Inflation
Gent Sejko, Altin Tanku, Bank of Albania
- Money growth and inflation in Tunisia: New evidence from a wavelet analysis
Zied Jaidi, Souhaib Zardi, Central Bank of Tunisia
Tetiana Yukhymenko, National Bank of Ukraine
Comments by: Cedric Tille, BCC & Geneva Graduate Institute
WORKSHOP 3: Measuring economic activity in turbulent times
Mihnea Constantinescu*, Kalle Kappner**, Niko Szumilo***, National Bank of Ukraine*, Humboldt University Berlin**, University College London***
Comments by: Ugo Panizza, Geneva Graduate Institute
DAY 2 September 23, 2022
Setting the stage: An overview of recent research
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Franziska Ohnsorge, The World Bank
POLICY PRESENTATION: Federico Sturzenegger, Harvard Kennedy School, Former Governor Central Bank of Argentina
POLICY PANEL 1: How global is inflation?
Chair: Alexandre Swoboda, Geneva Graduate Institute
- Governor Gent Sejko, Bank of Albania
- Belma Čolakovi, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Hans Genberg, Asia School of Business Malaysia
- Elchin Gulaliyev, Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, The Brookings Institution
- Jonathan Ostry, Georgetown University
POLICY PANEL 2: Understanding inflation expectations
Chair: Charles Wyplosz, Geneva Graduate Institute
- Refet Gurkaynak, Bilkent University Turkey
- Jaime Jaramillo Vallejo, Central Bank of Colombia
- Volodymyr Lepushynskyi, National Bank of Ukraine
- Michael Weber, University of Chicago
POLICY PANEL 3: Heterogeneous impact of inflation
Chair: Nathan Sussman, Geneva Graduate Institute
- Stefania Albanesi, University of Pittsburgh
- Fernando Pérez, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- José Luis Peydrò, University Pompeu Fabra
- Attilio Zanetti, Swiss National Bank